Monday, December 26, 2011

Sims Social

I've been obsessing over the Facebook game, Sims Social, lately.  Mostly I enjoy it, but found a lot of frustration both in visiting neighbor Sims only to find they have few or no accessible interaction items, and that there are no good, detailed guides to help me choose good items to allow my neighbor Sims good interactions while visiting.

To help make a better house for visiting game-neighbors, I started compiling a list of neighbor-friendly items.  Originally posted in the Sims Social forum, on page 4 of "Guide: How to Have the Best House for Visiting," I quickly found my posts started exceeding maximum length, so I've copied my info here and will continue to add to this post as I investigate new item qualities.

It was getting hard for me to keep track of all the different posts, so I started to compile a list for me and thought, so long as I'm doing that, might as well share with everyone.

Obviously, no one expects everyone to get every single item on this list and nothing else. These are just suggestions for people looking for ideas to help fine tune their houses so they will get more visits from their neighbors. Take or leave any ideas at your own discretion.

If you encounter any information to add, please post or message me on Facebook: be sure to let me know if you want to be credited; if yes, I'll include a footnote with a link to your FB profile.

My guides were making this page too long, so I've split them in sections:

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