Sunday, November 20, 2011

I am an LoTR Nerd

In 2003, my sister got Lord of the Rings monopoly (which is retired and sells for an average of $80 now, depending on the edition and condition). It came with 6 little pewter figurines and a poor quality but totally passable One Ring .

At the time, a lot of catalogs were taking advantage of the surge in popularity after the release of the movies to sell One Ring replicas for prices ranging from $30-hundreds.  The lower price range ones were/are silver colored.  The one that came with the game was gold plated and, on close inspection, obviously very cheap, but looked better than the silver rings, and a much better deal for costume jewelry than the $130 tungsten rings.

Soon, I discovered Hasbro has an option to order "replacement" parts: you can get the a bag including all 6 figurines and the One Ring replica for only $6.00!  Pick up a cheap chain at a craft store and you have a great present for the LoTR fan in your life.

Since I can no longer find the order forms (and don't know if they still carry the replacement parts, I have scanned the order forms for anyone who needs them: I included not only the forms for the monopoly set but also LoTR chess and Risk.  If they still have the replacement pieces it's a great way to get a unique but affordable gift.

And really, until they actually can get one that does this:

who needs to spend the $130?

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