Tuesday, January 17, 2012


In honor of Blackout Day, my posts today will contain only information relating to SOPA, the Blackout Day movement, or internet freedom today.

Don't worry: for those following my daily Obama Administration Accomplishments posts, I posted an extra accomplishment yesterday so I wouldn't run one short: this one was on the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.  We also can be grateful that President Obama told Congress that, if they pass SOPA as it currently is written, he would veto it (ref).  Since he previously focused  on a campaign to educate consumers about piracy, including how it costs American jobs (ref), instead of broad spectrum restrictions, it is not too surprising that President Obama is going to push for a different method of discouraging piracy instead of accepting SOPA.

For more information about SOPA and it's companion legislation, PIPA, check out Stop The Wall. In addition to information about the bill, this site contains assistance on contacting legislators to voice your request for them to oppose SOPA and PIPA.

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