Saturday, January 14, 2012

Obama Accomplishments pt14: Efficiency in the Government

Obama Administration Accomplishments List

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  • Accomplishment: Increased efficiency in the government (ref).
    • What does it mean?
      I've talked about one aspect of this already, in my Financial Aid Reform post.  On June 13, 2011, President Obama established the Campaign to Cut Government Waste (ref).  Others ways in which the Obama Administration has increased efficiency: government records management reform (ref), saved $20 billion and counting in reduction of improper payments (ref1) (ref2), transforming unused government property into job-creating hubs (ref), and much, much more (ref).

    • Why does it matter?
      Have you ever worked for a company that has brought in analysts to determine where money is being wasted?  So often, they find poor records management is wasting countless work hours and, by extension, a lot of money.  Better record keeping practices save money not only in labor hours spent looking for information, but also in increasing rapid reaction time when an increasingly large amount money would be lost as time passes while waiting for a resolution of a problem. I've spent years hearing people talk about how we need to cut government waste, and wanting the same thing to happen, but never seeing a solid plan of action. Everyone has heard the jokes about government efficiency.  It's about time someone started us moving toward proper government productivity.